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Directeur de Recherche CNRS
Co-responsable Équipe G
Directeur adjoint du LCC


+33 (0)5 61 33 31 74

Numéro ORCID : 0000-0001-7991-8890

Ancien élève de l’ENS CACHAN. Doctorat sous la supervision de Gilbert Balavoine à l’Université Paris-Sud Orsay (Epoxydation asymétrique des alcènes utilisant des borates chiraux), stage postdoctoral avec K. Barry Sharpless au MIT (Dihydroxylation asymétrique des alcènes utilisant des complexes de l’osmium). CR CNRS de 1992 à 2013 à l’Université Paris-Sud Orsay puis au Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination de Toulouse (LCC). DR au LCC depuis 2013. Directeur Adjoint du LCC depuis 2018.

Domaines d’expertise – projets en cours

  • Développement de ligands (chiraux)
  • Catalyse (asymétrique)
  • Synthèse de dérivés du ferrocène (chiraux)
  • Polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée
  • Catalyse biphasique aqueuse


Cliquez pour voir nos collaborations


  • Mathias DESTARAC, Stéphane MAZIERES, Laboratoire des Interactions, Moléculaires et de la Réactivité Chimique et Photochimique de Toulouse :  nouveaux agents RAFT organométalliques modulables, ANR RAFTSWITCH, crédits récurrents, IRP France-USA
  • Chloé THIEULEUX, Chemistry, Catalysis, Polymers and Processes (C2P2, UMR 5265), Lyon : immobilisation et recyclage de catalyseurs supportés sur silice, crédits récurrents.
  • Philippe DAUBAN, Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles, Gif sur Yvette : développement de ligands ferrocéniques chiraux pour la catalyse d’amination C-H (asymétrique) catalysée au dirhodium(II), ANR CHamRhOx (porteuse Agnès Labande).
  • Karine PHILIPPOT, Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination, Toulouse : nouvelle approche en catalyse biphasique par confinement de nanoparticules métalliques au cœur de polymères cœur-coquille de taille nanométrique, Réseau ITN « CCIMC » (porteur Rinaldo Poli)
  • Sylvain CAILLOL, Eric LECLERC, Christine JOLY-DUHAMEL, Vincent LADMIRAL, Patrick LACROIX-DESMAZES, Institut Charles Gerhardt de Montpellier : Réseaux covalents adaptables sans additifs (ANR AFCAN, coordinateur : Sylvain CAILLOL).



  • Carmen CLAVER, Cyril GODARD, Universitat Virgili i Rovira, Tarragona, Espagne: réaction de Suzuki asymétrique avec des ligands phosphine-thioéthers ferrocéniques, crédit récurrents.
  • Jose Guadalupe LOPEZ CORTES, Dr Maria del Carmen ORTEGA ALFARO, Université Autonome de Mexico (UNAM), Mexico, Mexique : nouveaux composés ferrocéniques, crédit récurrents.
  • Zoia VOITENKO, Université Nationale Taras Shevchenko de Kyiv, Ukraine, Vitaly KALCHENKO, Vyacheslav BOIKO, Institute of Organic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine : synthèse de calix[4]arènes chiraux contenant des groupes phosphine comme ligands pour la catalyse métallique et l’organocatalyse, Ambassade de France en Ukraine (bourse de thèse d’Andrii Karpus), GDRI “Groupement Franco-Ukrainien en Chimie Moléculaire”, crédits récurrents.
  • Basker SANDARAJU, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India ; complexes métalliques chiraux ferrocéniques du cobalt, du fer et du manganèse et leur utilisation en catalyse asymétrique, CEFIPRA (bourse de thèse de Uchchhal Bandyopadhyay).
  • Rafika BOUCHENE, Université d’Oum El Bouaghi, composés ferrocéniques allyliques, bourse algérienne, crédits récurrents.
  • Anders RIISAGER, Eduardo J. GARCIA-SUAREZ, Centre for Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Lyngby, Danemark : catalyse avec des polymères cœur-coquille fonctionnalisés, Réseau ITN « CCIMC » (porteur Rinaldo Poli).
  • Dr. Med Abderrahmane SANHOURY, Université de Tunis El Manar, Tunisie, composés organophosphorés, bourse tunisienne, crédits récurrents.
  • Simon DUCKETT, Jason LYNAM, John SLATTERY, Université de York, Royaume-Uni : études RMN de complexes hydrures, mécanismes d’hydrogénation, Réseau ITN « CCIMC » (porteur Rinaldo Poli).
  • Montserrat DIEGUEZ, Oscar PAMIES, Universitat Virgili i Rovira, Tarragona, Espagne: réaction d’hydrogénation asymétrique d’alcènes peu fonctionnalisés avec des ligands ferrocéniques chiraux, IRN Franco-catalan, crédit récurrents.
  • Agusti LLEDOS, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelone, Espagne : catalyse d’hydrogénation : utilisation des calculs DFT pour l’étude des mécanismes réactionnels », IRN Franco-catalan, Réseau ITN « CCIMC » (porteur Rinaldo Poli).

Production scientifique

Revues à comité de lecture


    1. Crenne, N., H., Balavoine, G. G. A., Manoury, E., “Preparation of Optically Active Orthoborates and Peroxyboranes for Asymmetric Epoxidation”, Fr Patent 2638162. April 27 1990
    2. Sharpless, K. B., Amberg, W., Beller, M., Chen, H., Hartung, J., Kawanami, Y., Lübben, D., Manoury, E., Ogino, Y., Shibata, T., Ukita, T., “New Ligands Double the Scope of the Catalytic Asymmetric Dihydroxylation of Olefins”, J. Org. Chem., 1991, 56, 4585-4588.
    3. Ogino, Y., Chen, H., Manoury, E., Beller, M., Lübben, D., Sharpless, K. B., ” A Ligand Structure-Enantioselectivity Relationship for the Osmium-catalyzed Asymmetric Dihydroxylation of olefins”, Tetrahedron Lett., 1991, 32, 5761-5764.
    4. Manoury, E., Ait Haddou Mouloud, H., Balavoine, G. G. A. ” Asymmetric Epoxidation of Unfunctionalized Alkenes using Chiral Borates”, Tetrahedron Asym., 1993, 4, 2339-2342.
    5. G.G.A. Balavoine, E. Manoury, ” Organometallic Compounds in AsymmetricSynthesis: Oxygen Atom Transfer” Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 1995, 9, 199-225.
    6. Iftime, G., Moreau-Bossuet, C., Manoury, E., Balavoine, G.G. A., “Selective functionalization of the 1′-position of ferrocenecarbaldehyde”, Chem. Comm., 1996, 527 -528.
    7. Iftime, G., Daran, J.-C., Manoury, E., Balavoine, G. G. A., “Chiral 1,2,1′-trisubstituted ferrocenes: Access to Chiral Oxaferrocenophanes”, Organometallics, 1996, 15, 4808-4815.
    8. Iftime, G., Daran, J.-C., Manoury, E., Balavoine, G. G. A. Highly Enantioselective One Pot Synthesis of Chiral Tri and Tetrasubstituted Ferrocenes from 1,1′-Ferrocenedicarbaldehyde”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,1998, 37, 1698-1701.
    9. Iftime, G., Daran, J.-C., Manoury, E., Balavoine, G. G. A. “Mono andDifunctionalisation of Chiral Ferrocenyl bis-Acetals. X-Ray Crystal Structure of Bis-1,1′-[(2S, 4S)-(Hydroxymethyl)-2-Dioxane-1,3]-Ferrocene”, J. Organomet. Chem.,1998, 565, 115-124.
    10. Balavoine, G. G. A., Daran, J.-C., Iftime, G., Manoury, E., Moreau-Bossuet, C. “Selective Synthesis of Ferrocenes”, J. Organomet. Chem.,1998, 567, 191-198.
    11. Balavoine, G. G. A., Daran, J.-C., Iftime, G., Lacroix, P. G., Manoury, E., Delaire, J. A., Maltey-Fenton, I., Nakatani, K., Di Bella, S. “Synthesis, Crystal Structures, and Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of New Chiral Ferrocenyl Materials”, Organometallics,1999, 18, 21-29.
    12. Andreu, R., Malfant, I., Lacroix, P. G., Cassoux, P., Roque, K., Manoury, E., Daran, J.-C., Balavoine, G. G. A.”From Molecular Conductors, Superconductors and Ferromagnets derived from M(dmit)2 Complexes towars Nonlinear Optical Materials”Cpte Rendu Acad. Sciences, t2, Série Iic, 1999, 329-340.
    13. Chiffre, J., Manoury, E., Daran, J.-C., Balavoine, G. G. A., “[(2S, 4S)-4-Hydroxymethyl-1,3-dioxan-2-yl]-ferrocene”, Acta Cryst. Sect. C, 1999, 2045-2047.
    14. Iftime, G., Balavoine, G. G. A., Daran, J.-C., Lacroix, P. G., Manoury, E., “The influence of crystal packing on second-order non-linear optical properties of new chiral ferrocenyl materials”, Cpte Rendu Acad. Sciences, t3, Série Iic, 2000,139-146.
    15. Manoury, E., Fossey, J. S., Aït-Haddou, H., Daran, J.-C., Balavoine, G.G. A. “New Ferrocenyloxazolines for the Preparation of Ferrocenes with Planar Chirality”, Organometallics, 2000, 19, 3736-3739
    16. Turrin, C.-O., Chiffre, J., de Montauzon, D., Daran, J.-C., Caminade, A.-M., Manoury, E., Balavoine, G. G. A., Majoral, J.-P.,”Phosphorus-containing Dendrimers with Ferrocenyl Units at the Core, within the Branches and on the Periphery”, Macromolecules, 2000,33, 7328-7336
    17. Turrin, C.-O., Chiffre, J., de Montauzon, D., Daran, J.-C., Caminade, A.-M., Manoury, E., Balavoine, G. G. A., Majoral, J.-P., “New chiral phosphorus-containing dendrimers with ferrocenes on the periphery.”, Tetrahedron, 2001, 57, 2521-2536.
    18. Chiffre, J., Averseng, F., Balavoine, G. G. A., Daran, J.-C., Iftime, G., Lacroix, P. G., Manoury, E., Nakatani, K., “A Novel and Perfectly Aligned Crystal of a Ferrocenyl Chromophore Displaying High Quadratic Nonlinear Optical Bulk Efficiency”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2001, 2221-2226.
    19. Routaboul, L., Chiffre, J., Balavoine, G. G. A., Daran, J.-C., Manoury, E., “Highly Efficient Reduction of Ferrocenyl Derivatives by Borane”, J. Organomet. Chem., 2001, 637-639, 364-371.
    20. Roque, K., Barangé, F., Balavoine, G. G. A., Daran, J.-C., Lacroix, P. G. L., Manoury, E., “New Chiral Ferrocenyl-Pyridinium Salts for Non-Linear Optics”, J. Organomet. Chem., 2001, 637-639, 531-537.
    21. Turrin, C.-O., Chiffre,J., de Montauzon, D., Balavoine, G., Manoury, E., Caminade, A.-C., Majoral, J.-P., « Behavior of an Optically Active Ferrocene Chiral Shell Located within Phosphorus-Containing Dendrimers”, Organometallics, 2002, 21, 1891-1897.
    22. Turrin, C.-O., Chiffre,J., de Montauzon, D., Balavoine, G., Manoury, E., Caminade, A.-C., Majoral, J.-P., « New Phosphorus-containing dendrimers with ferrocenyl units in each layer”, Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2002, 5, 309-318.
    23. Chiffre, J., Coppel, Y., Balavoine, G. G. A., Daran, J.-C., Manoury, E., « Selective Functionalization of Chiral Ferrocenyl Acetals. Easy Access to Various Tri and Tetrasubstituted Ferrocenes with Controlled Geometry. », Organometallics, 2002, 21, 4552-4555.
    24. Mourgues, S., Serra, D., Lamy, F., Vincendeau, S., Daran, J.-C., Manoury, E., Gouygou, M., “Chiral [(Dialkylamino)methyl](phospholyl)ferrocene Ligands as a New Class of 1,2-Disubstituted Ferrocene Ligands”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2003, 2820-2826.
    25. Routaboul, L., Vincendeau, S., Daran, J.-C., Manoury, E., “New ferrocenyl P,S and S,S ligands for asymmetric catalysis”, Tetrahedron Asym., 2005, 16, 2685-2690 (Tetrahedron: Asymmetry Most Cited Paper 2005-2008).
    26. Lopez Cortes, J. G., Vincendeau, S., Daran, J.-C., Manoury, E., Gouygou, M., ”Three New Enantiomerically Pure Ferrocenyl Phosphole Compounds”, Acta Cryst. Sect. C, 2006, C62, m188-m191.
    27. Malacea, R., Manoury, E., Routaboul, L., Daran, J.-C., Poli, R., Dunne, J. P., Withwood, A. C., Godard, C., Duckett, S. B. ” Coordination chemistry and diphenylacetylene hydrogenation catalysis of planar chiral ferrocenylphosphine-thioether ligands with cyclooctadieneiridium(I)”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2006, 1803-1816.
    28. Mateus, N., Routaboul, L., Daran, J.-C., Manoury, E., “Synthesis and Catalytic Applications of New Chiral Ferrocenyl P,O Ligands.”, J. Organomet. Chem., Special Issue “Chirality in Organometallic Chemistry: New Ligands, New Complexes and New Applications”, 2006, 691, 2297-2310.
    29. Malacea, R., Daran, J.-C., Duckett, S. B., Dunne, J. P., Manoury, E., Poli, R., Withwood, A. C. ” Parahydrogen studies of H2 addition to Ir(I) complexes containing chiral phosphine-thioether ligands: Implications for Catalysis”, Dalton Trans., 2006, 3350-3359.
    30. J.-C. Daran, E. Manoury, L. Routaboul, F. Rivals, F. ” (2S, 4S, SFc)-2-(diphenylthiophosphinoferrocenyl)-4-methoxymethyl-1,3-dioxane”, Acta Cryst. Sect. C, 2006, C62, m378-m380.
    31. Lopez Cortes, J. G., Ramon, O., Vincendeau, S., Serra, D., Lamy, F., Daran, J.-C., Manoury, E., Gouygou, M. ”New Chiral Ferrocenyl Phosphole-Phosphane Ligands”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2006, 5148-5157.
    32. Routaboul, L., Vincendeau, S., Turrin, C.-O., Caminade, A.-M., Majoral, J.-P., Daran, J.-C., Manoury, E. “New Phosphorus Dendrimers with Chiral Ferrocenyl Phosphine-Thioether Ligands on the Periphery for Asymmetric Catalysis.” J. Organomet. Chem., 2007, 692, 1064-1073.
    33. Le Roux, E., Malacea, R., Manoury, E., Poli, R., Gonsalvi, L., Peruzzini “Highly efficient asymmetric hydrogenation of alkyl aryl ketones catalyzed by iridium complexes with chiral planar ferrocenyl phosphino-thioether ligands.”, Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2007, 349, 309-313.
    34. Labande, A., Daran, J.-C., Manoury, E., Poli, R “New (1-phosphanylferrocen-1′- and -2-yl)methyl-linked diaminocarbene ligands: synthesis and rhodium(I) complexes.”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2007, 1205-1209.
    35. Diab, L., Gouygou, M;, Manoury, E., Kalck P., Urrutigoïty, M., “Critical solvent effect on the chiral recognition of a catalytic species by a chiral substrate”, J. Mol. Catal.A: Chem., 2007,278, 102-106.
    36. Diab, L., Daran, J.-C., Gouygou, M., Manoury, E., Urrutigoïty, M., “Dichlorido[(S,RS)-diphenyl-phosphino-2-(ethylsulfanylmethyl)-ferrocene]palladium(II)]“, Acta Cryst. Sect. C,2007, C63, m586-m588.
    37. Diab, L., Daran, J.-C., Gouygou, M., Manoury, E., Urrutigoïty, M., “New enantiopure palladium(II) complexes from a stereodynamic 2,2′-biphosphole ligand.“, Acta Cryst. Sect. C,2008, C64, m43-m45.
    38. Malacea, R, Routaboul, L., Manoury, E., Daran, J.-C., Poli, R. “Palladium and Platinum Complexes with Planar Chiral 1,2-disubstituted ferrocenes containing phosphine and thioether donor groups”, J. Organomet. Chem.,2008, 693(8-9),1469-1477.
    39. Ciclosi, M., Dinoi, C., Gonsalvi, L., Peruzzini, M., Manoury, E., Poli, R., “Oxidation of Thiophene Derivatives with H2O2 in AcetonitrileCatalyzed by [Cp*2M2O5] (M ) Mo, W): A Kinetic Study”, Organometallics, 2008, 27, 2281-2286.
    40. Diab, L., Gouygou, M., Manoury, E., Kalck P., Urrutigoïty, M., “Higly regioselective Palladium-catalyzed methoxycarbonylation of styrene using chiral ferrocene- and biphosphole-based ligands.”, Tet. Lett. 2008, 49, 5186-5189.
    41. Malacea, R., Manoury, E., J.-C. Daran, Poli, R. “Synthesis, characterization and crystal structures of two new platinum complexes with planar chiral 1,2-disubstituted ferrocenes containing phosphine and thioether donor groups », Journal of Molecular Structure, 2008, 890, 249-254.
    42. Malacea, R., Manoury, E., Poli, R. “Asymmetric hydrosilylation, transfer hydrogenation and hydrogenation of ketones catalyzed by iridium complexes”, Coord. Chem. Rev.,2010, 254, 729-752.
    43. Debono, N., Labande, A., Manoury, E., Daran, J.-C., Poli, R “Palladium Complexes of Planar Chiral Ferrocenyl Phosphine-NHC Ligands: New Catalysts for the Asymmetric Suzuki-Miyaura Reaction”, Organometallics 2010, 29, 1879–1882.
    44. Dinoi, C., Ciclosi, M., Manoury, E., Maron, L., Perrin, L., Poli, R., “Olefin epoxidation by H2O2/MeCN catalyzed by cyclopentadienyloxidotungsten(VI) and molybdenum(VI) complexes: experiments and computations”, Chem. Eur. J., 2010, 16, 9572-9584.
    45. El Haib, A., Benharref, A., Parrès-Maynadié, Manoury, E., Daran, J.-C., Urrutigoïty, M., Gouygou, M. “Molecular rearrangement of epoxide derived from sesquiterpenes by Lewis acid catalysis”, Tet Asym., 2010, 21, 1272-1277.
    46. Audin, C., Daran, J.-C., Deydier, E., Manoury, E., Poli, R. «New ferrocenyl P,O ligands with polar substituents”,C. R. Chimie, 2010, 13, 890-899.
    47. Daran, J.-C., Audin, C., Deydier, E., Manoury, E., Poli, R. “2-thiodiphenylphosphino((4-methylphenyl)-methoxy)methylferrocene”, Acta Cryst. Sect.C , 2010, E66, m1417-m1418.
    48. El Haib, A., Benharref, Manoury, E., Daran, J.-C., Urrutigoïty , M., Gouygou, M. “Lewis acid- and Bronsted acid-catalyzed stereoselective rearrangement of epoxides derived from himachalenes: access to new chiral polycyclic structures”, Tet Asym., 2011, 22, 101-108.
    49. Sözen, P., Daran, J.-C., Manoury, E., Demirhan, F., Poli, R. “Reaction of [Cp*2W2O5] with mercaptocarboxylic acids: addition rather than reduction. Isolation and characterization of Cp*WO2(SCH2CH2COOH) » J. Organomet. Chem., 2011, 696, 2275-2279.
    50. Carletto, A., Cardozo, A., Suriano, R., Manoury, E., Turri, S., Poli, R., “Core cross-linked amphiphilic star-block copolymers with (meth)acrylic acid shells prepared by atom transfer radical polymerization” Isr. J. Chem., 2012, 52(3-4), 328-338.
    51. Mouas, N., Merazig, H., Daran, J.-C., Manoury, E., “rac-{[2-(Diphenylthiophosphoryl)ferrocenyl]methyl}dimethylammonium diphenyldithiophosphinate”, Acta Cryst. Sect. E, 2012, E68(4), m381-m382.
    52. Philippe, E., Manoury, E., Daran, J.-C., “(R)-2-[(Dimethylamino)methyl]-1,1′-bis(diphenylphosphinothioyl)ferrocene dichloromethane monosolvate”, Acta Cryst. Sect. E, 2012, E68(6), m799-m800.
    53. de Jong, E. R., Manoury, E., Daran , J.-C., Turrin, C.-O., Chiffre, J., Knoll, W., Majoral, J.-P., Caminade, A.-M., « Synthesis and characterization of water-soluble ferrocene-dendrimers” J. Organomet. Chem., 2012, 718, 22-30.
    54. Kozinets, E. M. Koniev, O., Fillipov, O. A., Daran, J.-C., Poli, R., Shubina, E. S., Belkova, N. V., Manoury ” Coordination chemistry of diphenylphosphinoferrocenylthioethers on cyclooctadiene and norbornadienerhodium(I) platforms”, Dalton Trans., 2012, 41, 11849-11859.
    55. Wei, M.-M., García-Melchor, M., Lledós, A., Audin, C., Daran, J.-C., E., Poli, R., Deydier, E., Manoury, E. “Coordination chemistry of new chiral P,N ferrocenyl ligands with half-sandwich Ruthenium(II), Rhodium(III) and Iridium(III) complexes”, Organometallics 2012, 31, 6669-6680.
    56. Karpous, A., Voitenko, Z., Daran, J.-C., Manoury, E., « rac -{[2-(Diphenylthiophosphanyl)ferrocenyl]methyl}trimethylammonium iodide chloroform monosolvate » Acta Cryst. Sect.E , 2012, E68, m1490-m1491.
    57. Cardozo, A. F., Manoury, E., Julcour, C., Blanco, J.-F., Delmas, H., Poli, R., “Preparation of Polymer Supported Phosphine Ligands by Metal Catalyzed Living Radical Copolymerization and Their Application to Hydroformylation Catalysis” ChemCatChem., 2013, 5, 1161-1169.
    58. Sözen-Aktas, P., Del Rosal, I., Manoury, E., Demirhan, F., Lledos, A., Poli, R., “Speciation of [Cp*2M2O5] (M = Mo, W) in polar and donor solvents.” Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 3969-3985.
    59. Cardozo, A. F., Manoury, E., Julcour, C., Blanco, J.-F., Delmas, H., Gayet, F., Poli, R., “Preparation of Phosphine-Functionalized Polystyrene Stars by Metal Catalyzed Controlled Radical Copolymerization and Their Application to Hydroformylation Catalysis”, Dalton Transactions 2013, 42, 9148-9156.
    60. Sözen-Aktas, P., Manoury, E., Demirhan, F., Poli, R., “Molybdenum vs. Tungsten for the epoxidation of cyclooctene catalyzed by [Cp*2M2O5]”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2013, 19, 2728-2735.
    61. Kozinets, E. M., Silantyev, G. A., Belkova, N. V., Shubina, E. S., Poli, R., Manoury E.” Use of iridium and rhodium complexes of chiral planar phosphine-thioether ligands in the asymmetric hydrogenation of ketones and imines.”, Russ.Chem. Bull. Int. Ed., 2013, 62, 750–756.
    62. Malacea, R, Daran, J.-C., Poli, R., Manoury, E., “Combining planar and central chirality in ferrocene phosphine sulfoxide ligands”, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 2013, 24, 612-620.
    63. Kozinets, E. M., Fekete, M., Filippov, O. A., Belkova, N. V., Shubina, E. S., Poli, R., Duckett, S. B., Manoury E.” Activation of a (cyclooctadiene) rhodium(I) complex supported by a ferrocenyl phosphine thioether ligand for hydrogenation catalysis: a combined parahydrogen NMR and DFT study.”, Dalton Transactions, 2013, 42, 11720-11730.
    64. Loxq, P., Debono, N., Gülcemal, S., Daran, J.-C., Manoury, E., Poli, R., Çetinkaya, B., Labande, A., “Palladium(II) complexes with planar chiral ferrocenyl phosphane/(benz)imidazol-2-ylidene ligands”, New Journal of Chemistry, 2014, 38, 338-347.
    65. Bhaumik, C., Manoury, E., Daran, J.-C., Sözen-Atkaş, P., Demirhan, F., Poli, R.,“Investigation of the reaction of [Cp*2M2O5] (M = Mo, W) with hydrogen peroxide and tert-butylhydroperoxide in MeCN; implications for olefin epoxidation catalyzed by organomolybdenum and organotungsten compounds », Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2014, 760, 115-123.
    66. Wei, M.-M., Audin, C., E., Manoury, E., Deydier, E., Daran, J.-C., “Co-crystal of the Rac-{1-(Diphenylphosphinooxide)-2-[N-methyl)paratosyl)amino]methyl}ferrocene and Rac-{1-(Diphenylphosphino)-2-[N- methyl)paratosyl)amino]methyl}ferrocene”, Acta Cryst. Sect. C, 2014, 70, 281-284.
    67. Mouas Toma, N., Merazig, H., Daran, J.-C., Manoury, E., “A New P,S-coordinating ferrocenyl ligand: synthesis of a precursor and its coordination towards Pd(II) and Pt(II) ”, Acta Cryst. Sect.C., 2014, 70, 460-464.
    68. Zhang, X., Cardozo, A. F., Chen, S., Zhang, W., Julcour, C., Lansalot, M., Blanco, J.-F., Gayet, F., Delmas, H., Charleux, B., Manoury, E., D’Agosto, F., Poli, R., “Well-defined phosphine-functionalized core-shell nano­reactors obtained by one-pot RAFT emulsion polymerization and their application to the aqueous biphasic catalytic hydroformylation of 1-octene“, Chem. Eur. J., 2014, 20, 15505-15517.
    69. Bayda, S., Audrey Cassen, A., Daran, J.-C., Audin, C., Poli, R., Manoury, E., Deydier, E., “Synthesis and characterization of new chiral P,O ferrocenyl ligands and catalytic application to asymmetric Suzuki-Miyaura coupling”, J. Organomet. Chem., 2014, 772-773, 258-264.
    70. Chen, S. Manoury E., Poli, R., « Slow exchange of bidentate ligands between rhodium(I) complexes: evidence of both neutral and anionic ligand exchange”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2014, 5820–5826.
    71. Loxq, P., Daran, J.-C., Manoury, E., Poli, R. , Labande, A., “New Bifunctional N-Heterocyclic Carbene Ferrocenyl Ligands: Synthesis and Palladium(II) Complexes”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2015, 609–616.
    72. Biosca, M., Coll, M. Lagarde, F., Brémond, E., Routaboul, L., Manoury, E., Pàmies, O., Poli, R., Diéguez, M., “Chiral ferrocene-based P-S ligands for Ir-catalyzed hydrogenation of minimally functionalized olefins. Scope and limitations “, Tetrahedron, 2016, 72, 2623-2631.
    73. Cardozo, A. F., Julcour, C., Barthe, L., Blanco, J.-F., Chen, S., Gayet, F., Manoury, E, Zhang, W., Lansalot, M., Charleux, B., D’Agosto, F., Poli, R., Delmas, H., “Aqueous phase homogeneous catalysis using core-shell nanoreactors: application to rhodium catalyzed hydroformylation of 1-octene “, J. Catal., 2015, 324, 1-8.
    74. Chen, S., Cardozo, A. F., Julcour, C., Blanco, J.-F., Barthe, L., Gayet, F., Lansalot, M., D’Agosto, F., Delmas, H., Manoury, E, Poli, R., “Amphiphilic Core-Cross-linked Micelles Functionalized with Bis(4-methoxyphenyl)phenylphosphine as Catalytic Nanoreactors for Biphasic Hydroformylation”, Polymer, 2015,  72, 327-335.
    75. El Karroumi, J., El Haib, A., Manoury, E., Benharref, A., Daran, J.C., Gouygou, M., Urrutigoïty, M.,” Selectivity controlled by ligand tuning in the palladium-catalysed cyclocarbonylation: synthesis of new  and  lactones from a natural sesquiterpene”, J. Mol. Catal.A: Chem., 2015, 408, 18-26.
    76. Michelot, A., Sarda, S., Audin, C., Deydier, E., Manoury, E., Poli, R., Rey, C., “Spectroscopic characterisation of hydroxyapatite and nanocrystalline apatite with grafted aminopropyltriethoxysilane: nature of silane-surface interaction”, J. Mat. Science, 2015, 50, 5746-5757.
    77. Mouas Toma, N., Merazig, H., Daran, J.-C., Manoury, E., “Synthesis and characterization of new ferrocenyl bishydrazones. ”, Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2015,  18,  801-807.
    78. Hayes, J. M., Deydier, E., Ujaque, G., Lledós, A., Malacea, R., Manoury, E., Vincendeau, S., Poli, R., “Ketone Hydrogenation with Iridium Complexes with “non N-H” Ligands: the Key Role of the Strong Base. “, ACS Catalysis, 2015, 5, 4368-4376.
    79. Laborde, C., Wei, M.-M., van der Lee, A., Deydier, E., Daran, J.-C., Volle, J.-N., Poli, R., Pirat, J.-L., Manoury, E., Virieux, D., “Double [3+2]-dimerisation cascade synthesis of bis(triazolyl)bisphosphanes, a new scaffold for bidentate bisphosphanes”, Dalton Transactions, 2015, 44, 12539-12545.
    80. Michelot, A., Sarda, S., Daran, J.-C., Deydier, E., Manoury, E., “Crystal structure of (±)​-​1-​({[4-​(allyloxy)​phenyl]​sulfanyl}​methyl)​-​2-​(diphenylthiophosphoryl)​ferrocene», Acta Cryst., 2015, E70, 972-975.
    81. Labande, A., Deydier, E., Manoury, E., Daran, J.-C., Audin, C., Poli, R., “Synthesis of axially chiral biaryl compounds by asymmetric catalytic reactions with transition metals” Turk. J. Chem., 2015, 39, 1158-1170.
    82. Loxq, P., Manoury, E., Poli, R., Deydier, E., Labande, A., “Synthesis of axially chiral biaryl compounds by asymmetric catalytic reactions with transition metals” Coord. Chem. Rev., 2016, 308, 131–190.
    83. Karpus, A.,  Daran, J.-C., Voitenko, Z., Manoury, E., « New Ferrocene Derivatives for Ligand Grafting », French Ukrainian Journal of Chemistry, 2015,  3(2), 131-139.
    84. Bhaumik, C., Stein, D., Vincendeau, S., Daran, J.-C., Poli, R., Manoury, E., “Oxidation of alcohols by TBHP in the presence of sub-stoichiometric amounts of MnO2 », Comptes-Rendus Chimie, 2016, 19, 566-570.
    85. Chen, S., Gayet, F., Manoury, E, Joumaa, A., Lansalot, M., D’Agosto, F., Poli, R., “Coordination Chemistry inside Polymeric Nanoreactors: Interparticle Metal Exchange and Ionic-Compound Vectorization in Phosphine-Functionalized Amphiphilic Polymer Latexes”, Chem. Eur. J., 2016, 22, 6302-6313.
    86. Karpus, A., Yesypenko, O., Boiko, V., Poli, R., Daran, J.-C., Voitenko, Z., Kalchenko, V.,  Manoury, E.,“New chiral ferrocenyl phosphorus-containing calixarenes.”, Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2016, 3386-3394.
    87. Lobry, E., Cardozo, A. F., Barthe, L., Blanco, J.-F., Delmas, H., Chen, S., Gayet, F., Zhang, W., Lansalot, M., D’Agosto, F., Poli, R., Manoury, E, Julcour, C., “Core phosphine-functionalized amphiphilic nanogels as catalytic nanoreactors for aqueous biphasic hydroformylation”, J. Catal., 2016, 342, 164–172. ( http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcat.2016.07.023)
    88. Bouchene, R., Daran, J.-C., Bouacida, S., Manoury E., « Synthesis and reactivity of ferrocenyl allylamine derivatives.”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2017, 340-350. DOI: 10.1002/ejic.201600860
    89. Titova, E. M., Rahaman, S. M. W., Shubina, E. S., Poli, R., Belkova, N. V., Manoury, E.,” Catalytic redox isomerization of allylic alcohols with rhodium and iridium complexes with ferrocene phosphine-thioether ligands. ”, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem., 2017, 426, 376-380.
    90. Rahaman, S. M. W., Daran, J.-C., Manoury, E., Poli, R.,” The cyclooctadiene ligand in [IrCl(COD)]2 is hydrogenated under transfer hydrogenation conditions: a study in the presence of PPh3 and a strong base in isopropanol.”, J. Organomet. Chem., 2017, 829, 14-21.
    91. Chen, S., Manoury, E, Gayet, F., Poli, R., “Coordination chemistry inside polymeric nanoreactors: metal migration and cross-​exchange in amphiphilic core-​shell polymer latexes”, Polymers, 2016,  8, 26/1-18DOI:10.3390/polym8020026.
    92. Bretosh, K., Vincendeau, S., Routaboul, L., Daran, J.-C., Voitenko, Z., Manoury, E., « New Ferrocenyl Phenol Thiophosphines», French Ukrainian Journal of Chemistry, 2017, 5(1), 1-7.
    93. Guillo, P., Daran, J.-C., Manoury, E., Poli, R., « Synthesis and Characterization of First Row Metal Complexes Derived from
      a Pyridinophane Ligand Functionalized by Fluoroalcohol”, ChemistrySelect, 2017, 2, 2574-2577. DOI: 10.1002/slct.201700404
    94. Bouchene, R., Daran, J.-C., Merazig, H., Manoury E., Bouacida, S., « Selective synthesis of (3-​ferrocenylprop-​2-​en-​1-​yl)​triphenylphosphonium iodide: crystal structure determination of two polymorphs.”, Acta Cryst. C, 2017, C73, 376-381.
    95. Joumaa, A., Chen, S., Vincendeau, S., Gayet, F., Poli, R., Manoury, E., “Rhodium-catalyzed aqueous biphasic hydrogenation of alkenes with amphiphilic phosphine-containing core-shell polymers.”, Molecular Catalysis, 2017, 438, 267-271.
    96. Bouchene, R., Daran, J.-C., Poli, R., Deydier, E., Bouacida, S., Manoury E., « Straightforward synthesis of allylic thioethers », Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2018, 470, 365-372. DOI: 10.1016/j.ica2017.06.039.
    97. Mouas Toma, N., Merazig, H., Daran, J.-C., Manoury, E., “Synthesis and X-ray characterization of (1′-diphenylthiophosphino)ferrocenecarboxaldehyde N,N-dimethylhydrazone”, Acta Cryst. Sect. E , 2018, E74, 133–136.
    98. Karpus, A., Yesypenko, O., Boiko, V., Daran, J.-C., Voitenko, Z., Kalchenko, V., Manoury, E., “Synthesis of an enantiomerically pure inherently chiral calix[4]arene phosphonic acid and its evaluation as organocatalyst.”, J. Org. Chem., 2018, 83, 1146-1153.
    99. Gushchin, A. Shmelev, N., Malysheva, S., Artemev, A., Belogorlova, N., Abramov, P., Kompankov, N., Manoury, E., Poli, R., Sheven, D., Llusar, R., Sokolov, M., “ Hemilability of phosphine-thioether ligands coordinated to trinuclear Mo3S4 clusters and its effect on hydrogenation catalysis.”, N. J. Chem., 2018, 42, 17708-17717. DOI: 10.1039/c8nj03720e
    100. Karpus, A., Yesypenko, O., Cherenok, S., Boiko, V., Kalchenko, O., Voitenko, Z., Tribrat, O., Daran, J.-C., Poli, R., Manoury, E., Kalchenko, V., “Chiral phosphorus-containing calixarenes”, Phosphorus, Sufur and Silicon, 2019, 194, 471-475.
    101. Kulai, I., Karpus, A., Soroka, L., Valyaev, D. A., Bourdon,V., Manoury, E., Poli, R. Destarac, M., Mazieres, S., “Manganese Phosphinocarbodithioate for RAFT Polymerization with Sunlight-Induced Chain End Post-Treatment”¸ Polym. Chem., 2019, 10, 267-277. DOI: 10.1039/c8py01279b
    102. B. Emayavaramban, P. Chakraborty, E. Manoury, R. Poli, B. Sundararaju, “Cp*Co(III)-Catalyzed N-Alkylation of Amines with Secondary Alcohols”, Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2019, 6, 852-857. DOI : 10.1039/C8QO01389F
    103. Y. D. Lahneche, A. Lachguar, C. Mouton, J.-C. Daran, E. Manoury, R. Poli, M. Benslimane, A. Labande, E. Deydier, “Phosphine/N-heterocyclic carbene palladium complex for Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reactions: The role of water on activity”, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2019, 492. 91-97.
    104. M. Ibrahim, M. M. Wei, E. Deydier E. Manoury, R. Poli, P. Lecante, K. Philippot, « Rhodium nanoparticles stabilized by ferrocenyl-phosphine ligands: synthesis and catalytic styrene hydrogenation », Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 6777-6786. DOI: 10.1039/C9DT01006H
    105. C. Fliedel, A. Labande, E. Manoury, R. Poli, “Chiral N-heterocyclic carbene ligands with additional chelating group(s) applied to homogeneous metal-mediated asymmetric catalysis”, Coord. Chem. Rev., 2019, 694, 65-103. DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2019.05.003
    106. P. Chakraborty, M. K. Gangwar, B. Emayavaramban, E. Manoury, R. Poli, B. Sundararaju, “Well-defined Cp*Co(III)-Catalyzed α-Alkylation of Ketones with Secondary Alcohols”, ChemSusChem, 2019, 12, 3463-3467
    107. Karpus, A., Daran, J.-C., Poli, R. Mazieres, S., Destarac, M., Manoury, E., “Synthesis of S-alkyl phosphinocarbodithioates with switch between P(III) and P(V) derivatives”, J. Org. Chem., 2019, 84, 9446-9453.
    108. Fomenko, I. S., Vincendeau, S., Manoury, E., Poli, R., Abramov, P.A., Nadolinny, V. A., Sokolov, M. N., Gushchin, A. L.,
    109. S. Fomenko, S. Vincendeau, E. Manoury, R. Poli, P.A. Abramov, V. A. Nadolinny, M. N. Sokolov, A. L. Gushchin, “An oxidovanadium(IV) complex with 4,4’-di-tert-butyl-2,2’-bipyridine ligand: synthesis, structure and catalyzed cyclooctene epoxidation”, Polyhedron, 2020, 177, 114305. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.poly.2019.114305).
    1. C.-O. Turrin, E. Manoury, A.-M. Caminade, « Ferrocenyl phosphorhydrazone dendrimers. Synthesis, electrochemical and catalytic properties. », Molecules, 2020, 27, 47.
    2. H. Wang, L. Vendrame, C. Fliedel, S. Chen, F. Gayet, E. Manoury, X. Zhang, F. D’Agosto, M. Lansalot, R. Poli, ” Core-cross-linked micelles made by RAFT polymerization with a polycationic outer shell based on poly(1-methyl-4-vinylpyridinium)”, Macromolecules, 2020, 53, 2198-2208.
    3. Y. Lin, Y. C. Ong, S. Keller, J. Karges, R. Bouchene, E. Manoury, O. Blacque, J. Müller, N. Anghel, A. Hemphill, A. C. Taki, R. B. Gasser, K. Cariou, J. Keiser, G. Gasser, “Synthesis, Characterization and Antiparasitic Activity of Organometallic Derivatives of the Anthelmintic Drug Albendazole », Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 6616-6626.
    4. A. Joumaa, F. Gayet, E. J. Garcia-Suarez, J. Himmelstrup, A. Riisager, R. Poli, E. Manoury, « Synthesis of Nixantphos core-functionalized amphiphilic nanoreactors
      and application to rhodium-catalyzed aqueous biphasic 1-octene hydroformylation », Polymers, 2020, 12, 1107.
    5. Chakraborty, P., Garg, N., Manoury, E., Poli, R., Sundararaju, B. ACS Catalysis, 2020, 10, 8023-8031.
    6. H. Wang, L. Vendrame, C. Fliedel, S. Chen, F. Gayet, F. D’Agosto, M. Lansalot, E. Manoury, R. Poli, Triphenylphosphine-functionalized core-cross-linked micelles and nanogels with a polycationic outer shell: synthesis and application in rhodium-catalyzed biphasic hydrogenations”, Chem. Eur. J., 2021, 27, 5205-5214.
    7. Karpus, A., Harrisson, S., Poli, R. Mazieres, S., Manoury, E., Destarac, M. “Well-defined PIII-terminated polymers from phosphorylated carbodithioate RAFT agents”, Macromolecules, 2021, 54, 2627-2636.
    8. H. Wang, A. M. Fiore, C. Fliedel, E. Manoury, K. Philippot, M. M. Dell’Anna, P. Mastrorilli, R. Poli, “Rhodium nanoparticles inside well-defined unimolecular amphiphilic polymeric nanoreactors: synthesis and biphasic hydrogenation catalysis”, Nanoscale Adv., 2021, 3, 2554-2566.
    9. U. Bandyopadhyay, B. Sundararaju, R. Poli, E. Manoury, J.-C. Daran, “Synthesis and Crystallographic Studies of 2-(diphenylphosphinothioyl)-2-(3-oxobut-1-en-yl)ferrocene.”, Acta Cryst. 2021, E77, 853-856. (https://doi.org/10.1107/S205698902100760X).
    10. P. Chakraborty, B. Sundararaju, E. Manoury, R. Poli, A New Borrowing Hydrogen Mechanism for Redox-active Metals. ACS Catal, 2021, 11, 11906–11920. https://doi.org/10.1021/acscatal.1c02616
    11. S. S. Sambou, R. Hromov, I. Ruzhylo, H. Wang, A. Allandrieu, C. Sabatier, Y. Coppel, J.-C. Daran, F. Gayet, A. Labande, E. Manoury, R. Poli, “Amphiphilic Polymeric Nanoreactors Containing Rh(I)‐NHC Complexes for the Aqueous Biphasic Hydrogenation of Alkenes”, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2021, 11, 6811-6824. DOI: 10.1039/d1cy00554e
    12. H. Mechi, M.A.K Sanhoury, F. Laribi, E. Manoury, M. Mastouri, N. Raouafi, A. Bousseksou, M. T. Ben Dhia, J. Organomet. Chem.,2022, 957, 122178.


    1. Raluca Malacea, Eric Manoury, « Phosphorus-Sulfur Ligands» du livre “Phosphorus Ligands in Asymmetric Catalysis” édité par Armin Börner (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany), 2008, 749-784.
    2. Manoury, E., Poli, R. “Phosphine-Containing Planar Chiral Ferrocenes: Synthesis, Coordination Chemistry and Applications to Asymmetric Catalysis.” in the Series: Catalysis by Metal Complexes (CMCO), Volume 37 (Phosphorus Chemistry: Catalysis and Material Science Applications), edited by Maurizio Peruzzini and Luca Gonsalvi (Springer Verlag, Germany), 2011, 121-149.
    3. Poli, R., Chen, S., Zhang, X., Cardozo, A. F., Lansalot, M., D’Agosto, F., Charleux, B., Manoury, E., Gayet, F., Julcour, C., Blanco, J.-F., Barthe, L., Delmas, H., “One-pot RAFT synthesis of triphenylphosphine-functionalized amphiphilic core-shell polymers and application as catalytic nanoreactors in aqueous biphasic hydroformylation, ACS Symposium Series, 20151188 (Controlled Radical Polymerization), 203-220.
    4. Manoury, E., Gayet, F., D’Agosto, F., Lansalot, M., Delmas, H., Julcour, C., Blanco, J.-F., Barthe, L., Poli, R., “Core-cross-linked micelles and amphiphilic nanogels as unimolecular nanoreactors for micellar-type, metal-based aqueous biphasic catalysis”, in “Catalysis within Nanoconfined Spaces”, R. Poli, Editor; Springer: New York, 2017, 147-172.
    5. Bandyopadhyay, U., Sundararaju, B., Poli, R., Manoury, E., “Chiral tridentate based ligands”, in”Chiral Ligands: Evolution of Ligand Libraries for Asymmetric Catalysis: Evolution of Ligand Libraries for Asymmetric Catalysis”, M. Dieguez, Editor, CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA, 2021, 167-194, DOI: 10.1201/9780367855734


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