Laboratoire de chimie de coordination



An expertise in molecular chemistry of transition-metal and main group elements with specific research interests in fine chemistry, including catalysis, bio-inorganic chemistry, and new materials.

Axes de recherches

The science in LCC

Main research areas

Chemistry and catalysis

Chemistry and materials

Chemistry and health

LCC top news


CNRS Silver Medal for Christelle Hureau

This recognition highlights her remarkable career and outstanding contributions to coordination chemistry.

More Efficient Catalysts for Chemical Hydrogen Storage

Published in “Chemical Science”
This study is the subject of a scientific news release from CNRS Chemistry.

Metallomimetic C–F Activation Catalysis by Simple Phosphines

Published in “Journal of the American Chemical Society”
This study has been the subject of a scientific update from the CNRS Chemistry Institute.

N2 and CO, similar molecules but so different.

This study is the subject of a VIP article in the journal Angewandte Chemie.
These findings offer new perspectives for the catalytic transformation of diazote into high-value-added compounds.

QSAC 2023

International Symposium on Quantum Sciences: Applications and Challenges

Organized by the Algerian Academy of Sciences and Technologies (AAST) with the collaboration of USTHB, DGRSDT, ENP, UTT, and CNRS

September 24-25, 2023, Algiers, Algeria

A light-emitting molecular corbeille

Making use of light to start reactions…
An article published in the journal Angewandte Chemie International Edition.

Chemistry goes green.

Listen to the podcast “Les Deux Font La Paire”
recorded on the occasion of the Researchers’ Night 2022.


Book chapter

Book chapter

“Influence of Capping Ligands on Metal-Nanoparticle-Driven Hydrogen Evolution and CO2 Reduction Reactions”
Chapter in “Surface Functionalized Metal Catalysts “

read more



Currently in LCC


Partners and press area

Highlights of the year


Academic collaborations,
industrial collaborations,
provision of services,
and start-ups :

let’s find the best way to collaborate!


Laboratoire de chimie de coordination du CNRS

205 route de Narbonne, BP 44099
31077 Toulouse cedex 4

+ 33 5 61 33 31 00