« Contribution of the coordination chemistry to the safeguard of the bees. »
Pr Sébastien FLOQUET
Institut Lavoisier de Versailles, CNRS UMR 8180, Univ. Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines, Université Paris-Saclay, 45 av. des Etats-Unis, 78035 Versailles cedex, France
Email: sebastien.floquet(at)uvsq.fr
Bees are experiencing a worrying decline around the world. Beyond this decline, 20,000 species of plants are also affected by their disappearance and nearly 40% of our diet. Molybdenum is an essential trace element for life. Found in over fifty enzymes, Mo plays an important role in plants and in animals. For several years we are developing molecular complexes based on Mo for applications in biology.[1,2] In particular, very simple coordination complexes have proved to be very active in beekeeping. Non-toxic, these molecules seem to stimulate the immune system of bees, which become more resistant to temperature variations, parasites and bee diseases and therefore provoke a significant decrease of the colonies mortality. A first part of this talk will be focus on the choice of the complexes and their effects in beehives in different conditions and different countries.[3] A second part will be dedicated to understanding of the role played by these complexes within the bees’ organism, thanks to ICP-MS, X-Ray Fluorescence experiments performed on Synchrotron SOLEIL and XPS studies.
References :
[1] A. Fuior, A. Hijazi, O. Garbuz, V. Bulimaga, L. Zosim, D. Cebotari, M. Haouas, I. Toderas, A. Gulea and S. Floquet, Journal of Inorg. Biochem., 2022, 226, 111627.
[2] A. Fuior, D. Cebotari, M. Haouas, J. Marrot, G. Minguez Espallargas, V. Guérineau, D. Touboul, R. Rusnac, A. Gulea and S. Floquet, ACS Omega, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.2c00705
[3] A. Fuior, S. Floquet, V. Cebotari, D. Cebotari, A. Gulea, I. Toderas. Demande de Brevet déposée en France le 23/07/2020. Dépôt FR2007784 étendu PCT en 2021.