
ICP is an atomic emission spectrometry analysis method using a plasma generated by inductive coupling.

                A sample, previously dissolved by acid etching, is nebulised in a plasma. When the atoms, raised to an excited state, return to the ground state, photons are emitted at certain wavelengths that are characteristic of the elements present. The part emitted in the UV-Visible range is analysed by the optical device. The intensity of the emission is proportional to the abundance of the element in solution and allows the concentration in ppm (parts per million) in the solution to be determined.

This analysis makes it possible to determine the concentration of a number of elements. The quantity to be provided depends on the sample, generally a quantity of 10 mg is necessary to determine an element whose abundance is greater than 5 % by mass.

Schéma de principe ICP

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ICAP 6300 Thermo Generator RF

The device used in the service is an ICAP 6300 Thermo RF Generator

Axial/radial views

Polychromator – from166 to 847 nm

CID detector.

ICAP 6300 thermo générateur


For all requests for analysis :

All samples must be accompanied by an ICP analysis request form.

The quantity of sample to be provided depends on the concentration of the element(s) to be measured in the sample, see ICP analysis request form.

It is advisable to make an appointment with the service for the first analysis.

The HF is not used in the department.


Laboratoire de chimie de coordination du CNRS

205 route de Narbonne, BP 44099
31077 Toulouse cedex 4

+ 33 5 61 33 31 00