Academic partnerships contact:
Isabelle Malfant, deputy director in charge of academic partnerships:
isabelle.malfant(at), (+33)
Le LCC may benefit from its position as a leading institution for coordination chemistry, not just at the national level but also at the European and global levels. It benefits from a strong academic partnership that was partially built within each of its research teams. Numerous collaborative projects result from partnerships with French or foreign universities, from which significant innovations and new approaches are developed:
- ECOS North Mexico,
- PHC : Germany (PROCOPE),
- Switzerland (GERMAINE DE STAEL),
- Italy (GALILEE),
- Tunisia (UTIQUE),
- Algeria (TASSILI),
- Korea (STAR),
- Japan (SAKURA).
Beyond the distinctive energy of its teams, described in the sections dedicated to them, the laboratory has several structuring initiatives at the academic level. Particularly through IRP (International Research Project) programs of international collaboration shared by the CNRS, in support of the strengthening of research partnership:
– IRP Toulouse-Mexico “Molecular Chemistry with Applications in Catalysis and Materials“ (IRP-MCCM)
– IRP France-USA “Laboratory of coordination chemistry for controlled radical polymerization” (IRP-LCC-PRC).
Additionally, through collaborative European networks called ITN-EJD (Innovative Training Networks – European Joint Doctorates) that aim to organize doctoral training in Europe:
– ITN-EJD-CCIMC: “Coordination Chemistry Inspires Molecular Catalysis” (ITN-EJD-CCIMC)
In parallel, the LCC carries out several other targeted actions such as those directed at Tunisia or the Ukraine. They are intended to perpetuate individual interactions in an institutional framework through the implementation of cooperation agreements between institutions or joint thesis programs.
Exchange agreement between LCC, UPS and INSAT, University of Carthage, Tunisia
Agreement signed on June 30, 2022
Laboratoire de chimie de coordination du CNRS
205 route de Narbonne, BP 44099
31077 Toulouse cedex 4