EMERGENCE@CNRSChimie2024 Call for Proposals





Emilie DELAHAYE, recipient of the EMERGENCE@CNRSChimie2024

Project Title: “Etude d’AImants Moléculaires multiferrOIques – AIMMOI” (Study of Multiferroic Molecular Magnets)

For the seventh consecutive year, CNRS Chimie has renewed its support for young chemists by launching the Emergence@CNRSChimie2024 call for proposals.

The objective of this call is to provide better support for researchers or assistant professors by funding a postdoctoral grant for an innovative project compared to the state of the art and by encouraging risk-taking.

Emilie Delahaye, from Team S at LCC, is among the 12 recipients of the EMERGENCE@CNRSChimie2024.


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Laboratoire de chimie de coordination du CNRS

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