Unprecedented linear products by a mechanochemically activated Biginelli reaction using lawsone


Study published in RSC Mechanochemistry

One of the main challenges facing research into the synthesis of biologically active molecules, including medicines, is the development of more environmentally-friendly methods. Under the term ‘green chemistry’, issues of efficiency, waste management and energy consumption are addressed in this research.

Mechanochemistry, which enables a chemical reaction to be induced by the direct input of mechanical energy, provides a partial response to this challenge. In this context, chemists from the CNRS (Laboratoire de chimie de coordination (LCC – CNRS) and “Institut des sciences analytiques et de physico-chimie pour l’environnement et les matériaux” (IPREM – CNRS/Université de Pau Pays de l’Adour)) have revisited a very important reaction in medicinal chemistry: the Biginelli reaction.

These results, published in the journal RSC Mechanochemistry, open the way to new sustainable strategies for the synthesis of therapeutic molecules and other active compounds.


L’utilisation d’un équipement mécanochimique permet de verdir la synthèse de principes actifs et molécules thérapeutiques . © Michel Baltas


Unprecedented linear products by a mechanochemically activated Biginelli reaction using lawsone
Christina L. Koumpoura, Laure Vendier, Christian Bijani, Anne Robert, Philippe Carbonnière, Jean-Marc Sotiropoulos & Michel Baltas
RCS Mechanochemistry 2024


Further information



    Laboratoire de chimie de coordination du CNRS

    205 route de Narbonne, BP 44099
    31077 Toulouse cedex 4

    + 33 5 61 33 31 00