EMERGENCE@CNRSChimie2025 Call for Proposals
Antoine SIMONNEAU is the recipient of the Emergence award for his project titled:
« Hydrogénation Asymétrique – HydrA »
Antoine SIMONNEAU is the recipient of the Emergence award for his project titled:
« Hydrogénation Asymétrique – HydrA »
Review in pictures
This is the 2nd foreign chemical society to award a prize to Anne-Marie Caminade (Germany in 2022, Italy in 2024). A well-deserved recognition!
June 25, 2024, at the “2nd Severo Ochoa Conference” in Spain
Laureate for the Fundamental Chair
Award ceremony for Anne-Marie Caminade at the opening of the IXth Dendrimer Conference ‘EDEN IX’ in Barcelona.