EMERGENCE@CNRSChimie2024 Call for Proposals
Emilie DELAHAYE is the recipient of the Emergence award for her project titled:
« Etude d’AImants Moléculaires multiferrOIques – AIMMOI »
Induction ceremony of Anne-Marie Caminade at Academia Europaea
Anne-Marie Caminade becomes member ofAcadémia Europaea in acknowledgment of her exceptional work in the field of dendrimers
Anne-Marie Caminade becomes a member of the European Academy of Sciences (EurASc) – ceremony on 24/10/23
This award from the European Academy of Sciences recognises Anne-Marie Caminade’s outstanding work in the field of dendrimers.
Rinaldo Poli, awarded by the 2023 Grand Prix Achille le Bel of the Société chimique de France
LCC Rinaldo Poli, awarded by the Grand Prix Achille le Bel of the Société chimique de France The Grand Prix Achille le Bel is awarded for internationally recognised work that falls within the scope of the activities of the Société chimique de France (SCF). This year's...
Dr. Anne Marie Caminade has been awarded the SCF Achille le Bel Grand Prize.
The French Chemical Society’s Grand Prix Achille le Bel was presented to Anne-Marie Caminade on January 23, 2023, by SCF President Stanislas Pommeret and DCO President Emmanuelle Schulz.
Corentin Bouvier receives a Cancer Research Fellowship
Corentin Bouvier received the “Ligue contre le cancer’s” thesis award on Friday, December 9th in Rodez.
Distinction: Christelle HUREAU, winner of the Federation Gay Lussac-Academy of Sciences Prize for Chemistry at the Heart of Societal Challenges.
The award ceremony of the Academy of Sciences took place on October 18, 2022, under the dome of the Institut de France in Paris.
Two awards for young scientists from LCC at the 44th International Congress on Coordination Chemistry in Rimini, Italy.
Sara Bonfante from Team N and Mario Piedrahita-Bello from Team P were awarded!
The “ICT 2022 Special Award” was given to three ITA members for their innovative approach implemented within Team C.
Project presented and rewarded during the ICT social gathering day on Thursday, July 7, 2022.
Laboratoire de chimie de coordination du CNRS
205 route de Narbonne, BP 44099
31077 Toulouse cedex 4